As a way to preserve a record of the program for the 34th International Conference on Medievalism, I am reposting it here:

34th International Conference on Medievalism Georgia Institute of Technology School of Literature, Media, andCommunication September 20-21, Atlanta, GA
Friday, September 20, 2019
9am-9:30am WELCOME -- Hall 102 John Tone, Interim Dean, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts Richard Utz, President, International Society for the Study of Medievalism
9:30am -11am
Arthurs & Robins -- Hall 103 Presider: TBD “Dante Meets Robin Hood: Green Arrow Volume I: The Death and Life of Oliver Queen”Karl Fugelso, Towson U
“Mourning Wood: Adapting the Patriarchy in Contemporary Robin Hood Cinema”Valerie B. Johnson, U of Montevallo
“Future and Once: Teaching the Gender Spectrum through Postmedieval Arthurian Narratives”Kara Larson Maloney, Canisius C
“Robin Hood and King Arthur in the Philippines: Adapted Medievalisms in the Formation of Nationand the Shaping of Filipino Identity” Stefanie Matabang, UCLA
Media & Transmedia Medievalisms -- Hall 106Presider: TBD
“Bresson’s Lancelot du lac: a Postmodern film de geste” Anthony Contreras, Vanderbilt U
“Interspecies Embodiment of (Dis)Ability in How to Train Your Dragon”Leah Haught, U of West Georgia
“Transubstantiation, Transmedia, and World-Building: The Pevensie Family Body in Novel, Game,and Films” Kelli Sellers, U of Montevallo
11am-12pm KEYNOTE (& LUNCH) -- Hall 102 Pilgrimages of Thrones: Game of Thrones Tourism and the Medieval PilgrimageShiloh Carroll
Three CONCURRENT SESSIONS Early Modern & Modern Medievalisms -- Hall 102
Presider: Dina Khapaeva, Georgia Tech
“Why Read Lydgate in the Seventeenth Century?”Mimi Ensley, Georgia Tech
“Worldly Walpole and the Goodwill Offensive Medievalism of The Mysterious Mother”Jesse G. Swan, U of Northern Iowa
“The Millennial Medievalism of Margaret Fuller”Kathleen Verduin, Hope C
“The ‘Reception’ of Medieval Law into the U.S. Legal System” Alexander “Sasha” Volokh, Emory U
Storyboarding Against MedEVILish Oppression: A Video Game Workshop -- Hall 103
Lauryn S. Mayer, Washington and Jefferson College Carol L. Robinson, Kent State U at Trumbull (via Zoom)
Modern & Contemporary Medievalisms -- Hall 106
Presider: Carol Senf, Georgia Tech
“Dangerous Play: Interrogating the Use of (Dantean?) Allegory in Martel’s Beatrice and Virgil”Jacob Abell, Vanderbilt University
“The Jew’s Daughter: Anti-Semitic Medievalism in Joyce’s Ulysses”Blake Leland, Georgia Tech
Going to Oberammergau: The Quest for Medieval Drama in 19th-Century Britain Clare A. Simmons, Ohio State U
“‘All Will Be Well’? Headley’s The Mere Wife and Tucholke’s The Boneless Mercies”Karen Winstead, Ohio State U
Regions, Religions, Nations -- Hall 102
Presider: Robert J. Meyer-Lee, Agnes Scott College
“Medievalism and the Gaelic Revival”Jonathan Good, Reinhardt
“A New Crusade: Medieval Germania and the Holy War against the Alt-right in Rammstein’s Music Video Deutschland” Amanda Madden, Georgia Tech
“Mappa Mundi: Medievalist Reimaginings of Current Conflict”Lauryn S. Mayer, Washington and Jefferson C
“Inhabited Anglo-Saxonism: Netflix, Tourism and Old English Lessons”Dustin M. Frazier Wood, U of Roehampton
Politics & History -- Hall 103Presider: TBD
“Erasing the Global, Erasing the Medieval: the Controversy over Advanced Placement WorldHistory” Michael Evans, Delta C
“Suits & Armors: (Neo)medievalism and politics in the Brazilian electoral turmoil of 2018”
Luiz Felipe Anchieta Guerra, Federal U of Minas Gerais
“How Russia Discovered the Middle Ages”
Nikolay Koposov, Emory U
4pm-4:45pm Contingent medievalisms: A round table -- Hall 102 Organizer/presider: Richard Utz Participants: Michael Evans, Delta C; Leah Haught, U of West Georgia; Amanda Madden, Georgia Tech; Ken Mondschein, UMass Amherst-Mt. Ida College
5pm-6pm SPECIAL EVENT -- Hall 102 Juanita Feros Ruys: The Devil’s Country (Documentary)
7pm-8pm Business metting
Saturday, September 21, 2019
SPECIAL EVENT -- Hall 102 Combat by the Book (Presentation & Performance)
Ken Mondschein (UMass Amherst-Mt. Ida College); Keith Cotter-Reilly (Atlanta Freifechter), Stan Roberts (Martial Arts Practitioner)
2 CONCURRENT SESSIONS French Medievalisms -- Hall 103
Presider: Elizabeth Emery, Montclair State U
“Off the beaten track: Middle East Medievalism in French Fantasy”Anne Berthelot, U of Connecticut-Storrs
“Corrupting the Virgin: Moral Ambiguity in Luc Besson’s The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc”Keri Jones, U of West Georgia
“Cynocéphales: (Ab)uses of a Medieval Trope in French texts of the 19th and 20th Centuries and theThreat to Global Medievalisms” Bryant White, Vanderbilt U
Games, Thrones, and Vampires -- Hall 106
Presider: TBD
“Who Has A Better Story? Global Fandom Rage at the Game of Thrones Finale”Miranda Hajduk, CUNY Graduate Center
“Gothic Food: Neomedievalism and Anthropocentrism in Popular Culture”Dina Khapaeva, Georgia Tech
“Modern Language in a Medieval World: Dialect Diversity in Game of Thrones”A. Arwen Taylor, Arkansas Tech
12pm-1pm KEYNOTE (& LUNCH) -- Hall 102 Global Medievalisms from the South: A Disciplinary Challenge and an Overview
Nadia R. Altschul, U of Glasgow
Speech as Power in Game of Thrones -- Hall 102 Sponsor: Medieval Speech Act Society Organizer: Alexander Vaughan Ames, Allen U Presider: Rebecca Flynn, Georgia Gwinnett C
“Melting the Throne: Reinforcing and then Subverting the Heroic Fantasy Narrative ThroughLanguage” A. Keith Kelly, Georgia Gwinnett C
“Speech Acts as Power in Game of Thrones: Pragmatics, (Im)Politeness, and Face-Threatening Acts”Graham P. Johnson, Reinhardt U
“Game of Words: Articulating Identity in Game of ThronesAlexander Vaughan Ames, Allen U
Decentering Whiteness in Medieval Studies: A Post-Reading Group Roundtable -- Hall 103Organizer/presider: Lauryn S. Mayer, Washington and Jefferson C
Participants: Margaret Williams, William Paterson U; Brent Moberly, Indiana University; Karl Fugelso Towson U; Elizabeth Emery, Montclair State U; Carol Robinson, Kent State U – Trumbull, and TBD
A Knight There Was: Identification and the Pleasures and Dangers of Medieval Cosplay --
Hall 103
Organizers/presiders: Susan Aronstein, U of Wyoming; Laurie Finke, Kenyon C
Introduction “Identifications”Laurie Finke & Susan Aronstein
“Dressed to Kill: Medievalist Costuming in Globalist Contexts”McKenna Rose, Georgia Tech
“Full Contact Jousting: The International Medieval Combat Federation"Susan Aronstein, U of Wyoming
“Disidentification: Knights of Ultra-Right” Laurie Finke, Kenyon C
Games & Spaces -- Hall 106 Presider: Leah Haught, U of West Georgia
“‘Castles are like Possessions: Merely Temporary!”: Neomedieval Architectural Praxis in Stronghold:Crusader II Kevin Moberly, Old Dominion U; Brent Moberly, Indiana U
“Medievalism and Sexism: Women in Popular ‘Medieval’ Media”Lynn Ramey, Vanderbilt U
“Global Medievalism and the Contest for Medieval Space” Angela Jane Weisl, Seton Hall U; RobertSquillace, New York U