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LMC's André Brock garners Mellon Foundation grant

Updated: Apr 18, 2021

I am thrilled to share outstanding news about our own André Brock: He was recently awarded a $550,000 sub grant by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, part of a three-year $4,8 million umbrella project housed at the University of Michigan, in support of a DISCO: the Digital Inquiry, Speculation, Critique, and Optimism Network.

André’s contribution to the overall research project, called Project on Rhetorics of Equity, Access, Computation, and Humanities lab, will develop philosophical and critical informatics inquiry and methods for digital and algorithmic researchers around issues of race, difference, and computation. This project and site build upon Georgia Tech’s strengths in interactive computing, design thinking, critical race theory, and science and technology studies to encourage and foster social scientific, humanistic approaches to STEM design, practice, and culture. André's project, which supports the importance of DEI efforts in our Futures Plan and confirms the central importance of Black Media Studies overall, will include a post-doc, a GRA, and several undergraduate students, thus strengthening our research ecosystem at all levels.

Congrats to the colleague Twitter knows as thoot leedur!


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