Georgia Medieval Group Spring 2023 Meeting
Saturday April 15, 2023
All sessions will be held in Frank Brown Hall,1127 Broadway, Columbus, GA 31901
River Park Campus of Columbus State University, in Room 2202.
9:45-10:30am: Coffee, Tea, Fruit, and Breakfast Pastries outside of Room 2202
10:30am-12:00pm: Session 1
“Louise of Savoy’s Vie de la Magdalene: The Illuminated Manuscript as Passion Play”
Barbara Johnston, Columbus State University
“Lapidary Libri vitae: The Northumbrian Name-Stones and Traditions of Remembrance”
Jill Hamilton Clements, University of Alabama at Birmingham
“Tangled Bodies: Gender, Death, and Resurrection at St. Frideswide’s, Oxford”
Christina Heckman, Augusta University
12:00-1:30pm:Lunch Break
1:30-2:00pm: Georgia Medieval Group Business Meeting
2:00-2:15pm: Short Break
2:15-3:45pm: Session 2
“Aging and Retiring in Late Medieval York”
Wendy Turner, Augusta University
“Teaching the Orality of Medieval Texts”
Bobby Nixon, Columbus State University
“A Capstone Hyperactive Mapping Project: Medieval and Renaissance Spain”
Andrew Kurt, Clayton State University
“Book Project Update: A Trail of Spanish Acquisitions, New York Style”
Andrew Kurt, Clayton State University