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Richard Utz

STEM is not the Enemy
A plea for more partnership between the Liberal Arts and STEM for a holistic education

Language Study for All?
Integrating language study into business, science, health and technology programs may offer one viable path for sustaining at least some presence for this vital field at rural universities.

STEM needs Humanities
Inaugural Podcast by University Business to address how the humanities humanize STEM disciplines

Hiring & branding
Administrative Hiring and Your Institutional Brand: Treating finalists unprofessionally creates a negative perception not only among them but also a sizeable number of colleagues

John Milton, in Florida?
John Milton and Stanley Fish, at New College of Florida

External tenure letters
Getting the best external review letters for promotion & tenure

Associate Deans?

Humanizing STEM

Academic peer review

Should we teach Chaucer?

Against adminspeak

Interviewing & diversity

Integrating STEM ?

Snobbish medievalists?

Chair tenure letters

English prof as entrepreneur
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