Great line-up for an important topic at the 2021 International Congress on Medieval Studies:
ICMS 2021
187 - Medievalism and Anti-Semitism on May 12, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Organizer: Richard Utz, Georgia Institute of Technology
Presider: Richard Utz
Defining Modern In-Groups by Medieval Out-Groups: Antisemitism and the Position of Contemporary Spain: Julia C. Baumgardt, Marian University
White "Warriors"? Exploring the Roots of Medievalism-Linked Anti-Semitism and Violence in Musical Subcultures: Donald Burke, Cerro Coso Community College
Carmina Burana: A Current Approach: Martha Ann Oberle, Independent Scholar
"Men shal nat maken ernest of game": The Knights of the Alt-Right: Laurie A. Finke, Kenyon College and Martin B. Shichtman, Eastern Michigan University
Terms: medievalism, Mediävalismus, medievalismo, médiévalisme, anti-semitism