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Studies in Medievalism 31 (2022) published

Writer's picture: MedievalitasMedievalitas

I: Politics and Medievalism (Studies) Public Medievalism: Fustel de Coulanges and the Case for "Diplomatic Negotiations" - Elizabeth Emery Rob from the Rich: The Neomedievalism of the Robinhood Stock App - Valerie B. Johnson Pandemic Politics: Deploying the Plague - M. J. Toswell Peter Gill and the Queering of the York Realist - Kevin J. Harty To be a Monkish Man: Medievalism, Monasticism, Education, and Gender in the United States' Culture Wars - Jacob Doss Political Fictions: The "Aryan" Medievalisms of Harold A. Covington - Helen Young II: Other Responses to Medievalism The Ancient Finnish Kings and their Swedish Archenemy: Nationalism, Conspiracy Theories, and Alt-Right Memes in Finnish Online Medievalism - Reima Välimäki and Heta Aali The Politics of Norse Medievalism in the British Press During the First World War - Grace Khuri A Tournament of Black Knights - Alexandria, Virginia, 1865 - Emancipationists Mobilize the Medieval - Whitney Leeson "Eternal Legends of the Crimes of Man": The Merovingian Dynasty in Early American Media (1720-1820) - Gregory I. Halfond Writing, Men, Empire: Kipling's Medievalist Imagination - Richard Utz Agustina Bessa-Luís's Reinvention of St. António: A Loving Saint without an Altar - Ana Maria Machado Celtic Imaginary: From Medieval Dama-Pé-de-Cabra to Nineteenth-century Patriotic Versions - Angélica Varandas



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