Please find Gayle Fallon's review of Kara Dennison, Heaven Sent, The Black Archive, 21. Edinburgh: Obverse Books, 2018, at Medievally Speaking.
The review was curated by Michael Evans.
Kara Dennison’s Heaven Sent stands as the 21st installment in The Black Archive, a series commissioned by Obverse Books. The series offers book-length studies of single Doctor Who episodes. Contributions to the Archive span the television show’s impressive airing history, including episodes in the first long series run from 1963-1989 as well as the latest episodes in the current run of the rebooted series that began in 2005. Heaven Sent is an extended exploration of the eponymous 2015 episode starring Peter Capaldi’s Twelfth Doctor. This episode is set inside a medievalesque clockwork castle that contextualizes an astronomically long, recursive journey through countless instances of confession and reincarnation....
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