From Sir Walter Scott's chivalrous knights and damsels in distress, through George R. R. Martin's bestial lords and serpentine queens, medievalism is often quite sexist. Sometimes these biases are defended as originating in the Middle Ages themselves, or at least being true to what is known about them. But do these prejudices actually represent medieval practices and/or perceptions? To what degree is that knowable and does it matter? What about inevitable (albeit perhaps small) differences in those approaches, in their application, and among the contexts in which they are deployed? How, if at all, might medievalism have initiated or at least shaped broader perceptions of gender? How have perceptions about gender shaped medievalism? What role, if any, has been played by ambiguities in the definitions of gender and of medievalism, particularly as the latter relates to the Middle Ages? Studies in Medievalism, a peer-reviewed print and on-line publication, is seeking not only feature articles of 6,000-12,000 words (including notes) on any postmedieval responses to the Middle Ages, but also 3,000-word essays that respond to one or more of these questions. Applicants are encouraged to give particular examples, but submissions, which should be sent to Karl Fugelso at in English and Word by 1 June 2023, should also address the implications of those examples for the discipline as a whole. (Note that priority will be given to papers in the order they are received and submissions that have not been translated into fluent English will not be considered.)