LMC will be adding to its scholarships in support of our students, beginning in the fall of 2021. The estate of Maxine Thompson Turner has provided a gift of $60,000 to create "a scholarship for a student with financial need pursuing a degree in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication."
The Fund is created in memory of Dr. Maxine Thompson Turner, one of the first women professors at Georgia Tech, with a specialty in the field of communication, and a pioneer in seeking equity on campus for women and minority students and in the development of a technical communication program. She published a widely used textbook Technical Writing: A Practical Approach, and also published poetry in the Southern Humanities Review, Creative Review, The Phoenix, and others, demonstrating the distinguished history of the fruitful synthesis between creative and technical writing in our School. Dr. Turner clearly was a trailblazing predecessor colleague.
As our LMC Handbook states, our "first responsibility is to students," and many of our students' access to and success in LMC depends on offering them financial support. This gift is a step in the right direction to live up to our mission as a unit committed to equity in educational opportunity.